by Rev. Dr. Roberta S. Herzog, D.D.
The Art of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is typically defined as “the process of concluding resentment, indignation, or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference, or mistake…” More importantly, it is a choice that you decide to make because you desire to move on from the pain. Feelings such as anger and resentment are not supportive of your optimal emotional or physical health. By releasing a person or event that has caused you pain, you create an opportunity to shift your energy and emotions and move forward from this hurt. Forgiveness does not justify wrong actions, or excuse ill-doing, but it is a powerful healing tool that will release you from your own suffering and allows your thoughts and heart to focus on new and positive experiences.
The Law of Forgiveness comes from a prayer wherein it is said “… and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…” It is Universal Law that when you forgive and ask for forgiveness in return, the emotional charge of the situation is neutralized. Forgiving another does not mean you are validating their actions towards you; it simply expands the space in your energy to release the emotional charge that may be blocking you from creating more abundance. Through forgiveness, therefore, you also release yourself from participating in the judgment of another.
The guidelines of the Forgiveness Prayer are as follows:
When you rise in the morning and before retiring at night, for at least 10–14 days, sit quietly with your eyes closed and picture in your mind’s eye the Soul you wish to forgive smiling and happy.
Then say the following prayer, out loud, to this Soul:
“(Say the name of the Soul here), I forgive you for everything you’ve ever said or done to me in thought, word or deed that has caused me pain in this or any other lifetime, on all levels and all dimensions. You are free and I am free!”
“(Say name of the Soul here), I ask that you forgive me for anything that I have ever said or done to you in thought, word or deed in this or any other lifetime that has caused you pain.You are free and I am free!”
“Thank you, God/Creator/Universe, for this opportunity to forgive (say name of the Soul here) and to forgive myself.”
You will know when to cease saying this prayer, possibly after 10 days to 2 weeks, when you experience some shift in your attitude towards this Soul. A sense of release may come in the form of crying, laughter, a feeling of well being, etc. You may also experience the Soul’s attitude change towards you! You will find yourself freed from pain while becoming happier, healthier and feeling more peace in mind, body and spirit.
If you find the forgiveness prayer helpful, Dr. Herzog has asked that you send a small donation.
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Notes by Howard B. Richman
Roberta Herzog passed away in 2010 but her estate maintains her website. I’m sure they still appreciate the donations.
I have successfully used this prayer in my own personal growth. Also, elements of this prayer have been influential to my empowerment training work.
Above where it says “(Say name of the Soul here)” it will also work if that person had died.
Above image of couple hugging is used with permission. Title of artwork is “Intimacy” by Peter Mark Richman, (who happens to be my father.) Please see his website: and his facebook fan page: